first store in line most likely has all our titles!
Hyper Hypo, O Meteoritis, Adad books, Kombrai, Lexikopoleio, Fotagogos
IZMIR: commentarivm
ISTANBUL: SALT Beyoglu, SALT Galata, Postane, Frankeştayn
BERLIN: pro-QM, She Said, König Burgstrasse/Museumsinsel, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Hamburger Bahnhof, Neue Nationalgalerie
PARIS: After8Books, Volume, Palais de Tokyo, Yvon Lambert, librairie sans titre, &christophe daviet-thery,
BRUSSELS: BOZAR, rile*, Peinture Fraîche, CIVA bookshop, The Green Corridor
VIENNA: Walther König in Museumsquartier, Hafi Books
LONDON: The Mosaic Rooms, South London Gallery Bookshop, Tender Books, Whitechapel Gallery
BUCHAREST: p-u-n-c-h
MILAN: Spazio Milano, Libreria Antigone, Spazio BK
ROME: Libreria Antigone
MADRID: Paperground
BARCELONA: Terranova
PORTO: Matéria Prima
OSLO: Norma T
AMSTERDAM: Stedelijk Museum
MAASTRICHT: Limestone Books
TALLINN: Lugemik
GLASGOW: Good Press
LEIPZIG: Rotor Books
Buchhandlung Walther König
USA distribution: Printed Matter (New York City)
UK distribution: Public Knowledge (London)
Turkey distribution: BAS, (Istanbul) Aslı Özdoyuran
India distribution: Reliable Copy & Press Works (Bangalore)
SEOUL: The Book Society
SIGNAPORE: Basheeer Graphic Books
MONTREAL: Canadian Centre for Architecture
if your city doesn’t show here, ask your local bookstore,
try our webshop, or order through any Walther König store.
we also have been taking part in art book fairs:
Athens, Cairo, Borderless Istanbul, WIELS Brussels, Volumes Zurich, Miss Read Berlin
retail price is
€12 in bookstores (€15 in seasonal shops),
TRY320 in Turkey,
£12 in the UK,
CHF15 in Switzerland,
$15 in the USA,
₹800 in India,
AU$24 in Australia.
kyklà is a small and artist-run organism depending on selling books to pay its contributors and logistic costs. It can, therefore, not work with (the administration coming with) a consignment distribution model. Since its founding in 2020, kyklà has gradually built up an ecosystem of readers and booksellers paying invoices upon receiving books: a fair, viable, vibrant, and unique distribution model.