96 pages, 102 x 162 mm
illustrations: color and b/w
printing: offset
isbn: 978-9-464202-88-5
language: English
first print fall 2022
Mineral Travels:
Fragments of Geographies on the Move
by Lydia Xynogala
The Evil in the Surface
by Lorena Vicini
Consuming Land at Serifos
by Asli Özdoyuran
and David Bergé
Letter from Frikas Fortress
by Constantinos Speras
Iron Lungs
by Milica Ivic
Walking on Marble: Materialized Histories
by Anna Run Tryggvadottir
edited by
David Bergé
Milica Ivic
the production of the first print
of this book was in part supported
by Goethe-Institut Athen